California Proposition 65
We consume the herbs we sell, so we understand and empathize with your concerns on the quality of the herbs and the safety of their ingredients. We partner with manufacturers firmly committed to Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP) and who carefully screen all ingredients for impurities and meet or exceed all applicable Federal safety standards.
Despite the careful ingredient screening and lab-testing undertaken by our manufacturers, several suppliers have decided to provide Proposition 65 Warning labels on their products sold in California. In 1986, the State of California enacted Proposition 65, which required warnings on products that contain certain chemicals. Unfortunately, Prop 65 makes no distinction between naturally-occurring chemicals from the environment and chemicals artificially added to products. For example, Prop 65 does not exempt products impacted by chemicals from natural phenomena like volcanic activity or uncontrollable air pollution absorbed by plants. As a result, many natural, whole herb products are more likely to require Proposition 65 labels than are synthesized extracts of herbs.
In order to meet the requirements of California, we are providing California Proposition 65 Warnings for certain products impacted by the California law. While residents of California are accustomed to seeing similar "warnings" in hotels, gas stations, department stores, taverns, coffee shops and parking garages - customers from outside California may be unaware of the facts regarding Proposition 65.
Please click on one of the information links below for more information on California Proposition 65 as it applies to nutritional supplements:
Center for Consumer Freedom on Prop 65
Is Prop 65 Being Used to Shake Down Supplement Companies?
California goes after Starbucks
Dr. Shen's Article on Prop 65 and Lead in Herbs
Mayway (Plum Flower & Min Shan Brands) on Prop 65
Banyan Botanicals on Proposition 65
vpk by Maharashi Q&A on Prop 65